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Schedule - PGConf.EU 2016

Linux tuning to improve PostgreSQL performance: from hardware to postgresql.conf

Date: 2016-11-01
Time: 09:00–12:30
Room: Omega
Level: Intermediate

The Linux operating system has lots of tuning options which can change performance of your PostgreSQL installation drastically. People often say that an Oracle DBA is 90% a DBA and 10% a UNIX engineer, for a Postgres DBA this correspondence can optimistically be 50:50 or even lower on the DBA part.

For PostgreSQL, the most important considerations are storage-related options like vm.dirty*, IO elevators or filesystem mount options, but there are many more of them: CPU scheduler options, NUMA settings, or even power saving policy.

The goal of this talk is to provide some guidelines on how to chose proper hardware for a database server and explain to DBAs and engineers how to use all these settings in order to match hardware configuration and PostgreSQL workload.


Ilya Kosmodemiansky