Schedule - PGConf.EU 2012

Beyond Query Logging

Date: 2012-10-26
Time: 09:30–10:20
Room: Seine
Level: Intermediate

Queries were slow; you turned on query logging. Now you have at least two more new problems. Just collecting that data and analyzing it hasn't been easy until now. Those problems are significantly improved with the new pg_stat_statements available in PostgreSQL 9.2. Even with that in place, collecting query logs or even first level summaries of them isn't good enough to deal with the hardest workload problems.

Query logging, saving information about the statements that take a long time to execute, is a useful way to look at small amounts of data about your server's workload. Workload analysis is a more formal approach that takes that data and builds a larger picture about your server's health from it. PostgreSQL 9.2 makes it easier than ever to collect slow query information, but you can start formal workload analysis in any version. Learning good Workload Analysis techniques lets you better understand just where server resources go, both for short-term tuning and long-term planning. Topics covered will include:

  • A brief into to slow query logging
  • Log-based Workload Analysis using tools like pgFouine
  • Query normalization
  • Enhancing pg_stat_statements to handle normalization
  • Workload Analysis practices
  • Techniques for tracking long-term workload trends


Greg Smith
Peter Geoghegan

Platinum Sponsors

2ndQuadrant EnterpriseDB

Gold Sponsors

VMWare Cybertec Servoy

Silver Sponsors

Heroku Dalibo GoodData pgPower

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