This page is about a previous edition of pgDay Paris. For the current edition, click here.

Schedule - pgDay Paris 2024

Lightning Talks!

Date: 2024-03-14
Time: 13:30–14:15
Room: Auditorium

13:30 Claire Giordano Fighting the Butterflies & giving your first Postgres conference talk

13:35 Léo Unbekandt Deploying thousands of PostgreSQL Clusters - High-Level Architecture of a DBaaS

13:40 Karen Jex You Don't Need a Database Backup Policy

13:45 Chris Ellis Electric Elephants

13:50 Matt Cornillon Discover your favorite cheeses using Postgres and AI

13:55 Michael Christofides BUFFERS by default

14:00 Floor Drees That's a nice Postgres you have there, would be a shame if you were to lose it


The following slides have been made available for this session: