Thu. 08:30–09:00
This page is about a previous edition of pgDay Paris. For the current edition, click here.
This schedule is subject to changes. This page will be updated when any changes occur.
The Program Committee has published a report on this year’s selection process. Read the pdf here.
Thu. 08:30–09:00
Thu. 09:00–09:10 — Auditorium
Thu. 10:00–10:20
Thu. 12:00–13:30
Thu. 13:30–14:15 — Auditorium
Thu. 14:25–15:10 — Louxor
Thu. 15:10–15:30
Thu. 17:15–17:30 — Auditorium
This schedule is also available in iCalendar format as well as an XML format suitable for scheduling apps.