Schedule - PGDay.EU 2010

Introduction to PostGIS: an open-source spatial database (registration required!)

Date: 2010-12-08
Time: 09:00–12:30
Room: Berlin 1

PostGIS is a set of functions, types and operators that extend PostgreSQL to allow spatial queries in a similar way to Oracle Spatial and DB2 Spatial Extender. It is fully certified as compliant to the OGC 1.1 Simple Feature Specification.

This course is intended for existing PostgreSQL users who are looking to exploit the power of spatial SQL within their own applications or as part of an existing GIS application stack.

Starting from a standard PostgreSQL installation, this course takes users through installing PostGIS into a new database, loading their own data from shapefiles and the principles of basic spatial SQL.

With this basic knowledge in place, the course then progresses to show how spatial data can be viewed/edited using a couple of popular open source GIS software packages and how this can be used to form the basis of a simple LBS (Location Based Service) application.


Mark Cave-Ayland