PostgreSQL Conference Europe 2024
Ευρωπαϊκό Συνέδριο PostgreSQL 2024

Schedule - PGConf.EU 2024

Logical replication - getting in and out of the cloud

Date: 2024-10-22
Time: 09:00–12:30

Logical Replication in PostgreSQL is a tool that can be leveraged to encompass multiple critical data integration and movement scenarios, including moving all or a portion of your data in and out, from and to fully managed database services in the cloud like Azure Database for PostgreSQL. From creating an exact copy of your original data in a different environment to applying vertical and horizontal filtering and only copying the data you want.

But with Logical Replication you can also integrate with other non-database systems like message brokers and event stores, to enable real-time data streaming and even-based architectures.

In this session, we will cover all the most important solution patterns that you can implement using PostgreSQL Logical Replication, including high level tools like pgcopydb leveraging Logical Replication under the hood, or how to build custom applications that consume logical decoding and using existing OSS tools to build and monitor your distributed data workflow.


Alexander Kukushkin
Silvano Coriani