Exploring Postgres Databases with Graphs
Thursday, October 24 at 09:30–10:20
Room: Olympia B
Diagrams are powerful tools for thought and communication, and databases are full of interesting graphs that translate into useful visual representations. Database documentation, however, ordinarily has room for only one: the entity-relationship diagram or ERD, a birds-eye view of foreign key links between tables. ERDs exemplify a number of problems with documentation more generally, and without sustained effort inevitably fall into disuse and decay.
But documentation is a means, not an end. By putting a few tools together on top of Postgres, we can achieve many of the same goals through visual exploration of the graphs extant within a running database instead of reference to static resources.
We'll discuss:
- how exploration can serve learning and reference needs better than external documentation;
- why less is more in building mental models of a system;
- and where the other useful graphs are hiding, from trigger cascades to role inheritance and beyond!