Conference Sessions - PGConf.EU 2023
The following list contains all the talks that have been approved so far for PGConf.EU 2023. Note that they may not yet have been scheduled! You can find the full conference information at the conference website.
- Community Panel - Postgres at Scale: Dealing With Challenging Workloads (Alicja Kucharczyk, Henrietta Dombrovskaya, Jimmy Angelakos, Jonathan S. Katz, Stephen Frost)
- Elephant in a nutshell - Navigating the Postgres community 101 (Valeria Kaplan)
- So you want a PGDay in your city (Henrietta Dombrovskaya, Teresa Giacomini)
- Trying to be Barbie in Ken's Mojo Dojo Casa House (Karen Jex, Lætitia AVROT)
- Why is PostgreSQL Terrible? (Christophe Pettus)
- The Next 20 Years (Simon Riggs)
- Lightning Talks (Dave Page)
- So long, and thanks for all the fish (Dave Page, Magnus Hagander)
- Welcome and Opening (Magnus Hagander)
- Advanced Authentication and Encrypted Connections (Stephen Frost)
- Don't Do High Availability, Do Right Availability (Greg Vernon)
- Explaining the PostgreSQL concurrency control mechanisms using rollercoasters (Derk van Veen)
- Getting the most out of pg_stat_io (Daniel Westermann)
- How to corrupt your database (and how to deal with data corruption) (Laurenz Albe)
- How we execute PostgreSQL major upgrades at GitLab, with zero downtime. (Alexander Sosna)
- Leveraging pgBadger for Effective PostgreSQL Troubleshooting (Alicja Kucharczyk)
- Linux IO internals for PostgreSQL administrators in 2023 (Ilya Kosmodemiansky)
- Performance tricks you have never seen before 2.0 (Hans-Jürgen Schönig)
- pg_failover_slots: The missing piece (Peter Eisentraut)
- Pgpool - What, Why, and Where? (Muhammad Usama)
- Postgres 16 highlight: Logical decoding on standby (Bertrand Drouvot)
- PostgreSQL Distributed: Architectures & Best practices (Marco Slot)
- PostgreSQL Replication: 20 Pitfalls and Solutions (Julian Markwort)
- PostgreSQL Security: The defense line for your data (Julia Gugel)
- PostgreSQL Write-Ahead Logging (WAL): The Internals of Reliability and Recovery (Hamid Akhtar)
- Postgres vs. Linux filesystems (Tomas Vondra)
- Professional PostgreSQL monitoring made easy (Pavlo Golub)
- The journey towards active-active replication in PostgreSQL (Jonathan S. Katz)
- Tuning PostgreSQL to work even better (Karen Jex)
- Understanding and Fixing Autovacuum (Robert Haas)
- Use Ansible to herd your Elephants! (Julian Markwort)
- What can't pgBackRest do for you? (Stefan Fercot)
- Add geocoordinates to your addresses in PostgreSQL (Andreas Scherbaum)
- A journey into postgresql logical replication (José Neves)
- Beginner's Guide to Partitioning vs. Sharding in Postgres (Claire Giordano)
- Blazingly Fast Message Queue on Postgres with Rust (Adam Hendel)
- Charting My Path: Journey of a GSoC 2023 Contributor to PostgreSQL with pg_statviz (Rajiv Harlalka)
- Counting things at the speed of light with roaring bitmaps (Ants Aasma)
- From Map to Reality: Using PostGIS in Warfare (Taras Kloba)
- How I found my Pokémon cards thanks to Postgres: an AI journey (Matt Cornillon)
- IoT with PostgreSQL (Chris Ellis)
- It's Not You, It's Me: Breaking Up with Massive Tables via Partitioning (Chelsea Dole)
- Learning advanced SQL the weird (and hard) way (Lætitia AVROT)
- Making pgweb rock-solid: Using the Testing Harness to ensure the quality of pgweb (Akshat Jaimini)
- PostGIS and pgRouting: Extensions for spatial data in PostgreSQL (Marion Baumgartner)
- Should I use JSON in PostgreSQL? (Boriss Mejias)
- SQLPage — Building a full web application with nothing but Postgres and SQL queries (Ophir Lojkine)
- Tame the growth of your database (Adam Wolk)
- Vectors are the new JSON (Jonathan S. Katz)
- Know the less known about PostgreSQL (Devrim Gündüz)
- Making your patch more committable (Melanie Plageman)
- Multi-threaded PostgreSQL? (Heikki Linnakangas)
- PostgreSQL hacker tips (Michael Paquier)
- The path to using AIO in postgres (Andres Freund)
- The SQL standard: Where does it come from? Where does it go? (Peter Eisentraut)
- From scratch to a three node Patroni cluster (Daniel Westermann)
- How to become a PostgreSQL DBA in a day (Ilya Kosmodemiansky)
- Migrating to Postgres: Practical Tips and Examples (Grant Fritchey, Ryan Booz)
- PostgreSQL Performance Problems: Monitoring and Alerting (Grant Fritchey, Ryan Booz)
- Using the PostgreSQL operator on Kubernetes (Matthias Grömmer)
- Behind the covers of managed PostgreSQL service (Burak Yucesoy)
- "Best practices for building extensions" (Co-Presenters Craig Kerstiens and Marco Slot)
- Building a managed cloud service with PostgreSQL core – benefits, challenges, and lessons learned (Paul Meyer)
- Building awesome AI applications faster on PostgreSQL (Arda Aytekin)
- Database DevOps: Accelerating Changes from Dev to Production with Flyway (Ryan Booz)
- Finding PostgreSQL’s fit in the AI space (Francesco Tisiot)
- How to build an open and portable cloud (Ozgun Erdogan)
- Open Source in the Age of Cloud and Microservices (Michael Meskes)
- PostgreSQL IaaS vs PaaS, that is the question (Hervé Schweitzer)
- PostgreSQL in Kubernetes: Mission Impossible? (Borys Neselovskyi)
- PostgreSQL & Kubernetes - Setting up and operating your own DBaaS (Matthias Grömmer)
- Postgres Risk Mitigation with Transparent Data Encryption (Gianni Ciolli)
- Supercharge Your Postgres with the Help of Extensions (Adam Hendel)
- The Migration Puzzle (Bernd Helmle)
Platinum Sponsor Keynotes
- All the Postgres Things at Microsoft (Charles Feddersen)
- Building for the Future and Betting Big on Postgres (Kevin Dallas)
- Towards an open, portable, and managed PostgreSQL (Ozgun Erdogan)
- Why using Open Source PostgreSQL matters (Hans-Jürgen Schönig)