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Schedule - PGConf.EU 2022

Photo of Matt Pearson

Matt Pearson

Company: Pythian

I've been a DBA for over 20 years on various platforms, starting in a large UK telecoms company. Since then, I've worked on a number of projects including building a data centre underneath the Rock of Gibraltar.

I started my PostgreSQL journey, about 5 years ago, with migrating some 50TB databases in 8 different DC's from Oracle to PG.

I started at Pythian to improve my knowledge and stretch myself, technically. I can honestly say that I've not a single boring day as a consultant.

Being a DBA means being a Jack-of-All-Trades. We need to know the application, the OS, the SAN layer and sometimes we need a crystal ball. There are times, when it seems you won't find a solution but it almost always does. That is what is fantastic about being a DBA.

Besides computing, I have a passion for history, especially the Pre-Colombian history of Mesoamerica. I spend as much time as I can, visiting the less well-known of the ancient civilizations of mostly South America.
