Schedule - PGConf.EU 2022
PostgreSQL Native Packaging
Date: 2022-10-27
Time: 11:50–12:40
Room: Berlin 1
Level: Intermediate
PostgreSQL provides native packaging repositories for various platforms. Debian, Ubuntu, RHEL, Rocky, Fedora, and SLES are the supported distributions. Other than the OS-provided packages, these repositories cover all supported PostgreSQL major versions. The repositories also provide extension packages, and others.
However, we also have challenges.
In this talk, we will cover these topics:
Pros and cons of using OS packages vs PGDG packages
How packages are built in the .deb and .rpm worlds
How upstream can help produce good packages
Upstream should wrap the releases after bugs are fixed
We like comprehensive test suites that are not flaky
How you can get your favorite extension packaged
The following slides have been made available for this session:
Christoph BergDevrim Gündüz