Schedule - PGConf.EU 2019
An Oracle DBA approach to troubleshoot PostgreSQL application performance
Date: 2019-10-17
Time: 15:40–16:30
Room: Washington
Level: Intermediate
Coming to PostgreSQL after years of Oracle performance tuning, I realize that I approach PostgreSQL with tools and methods that are different from what a 'native' postgres DBA will start with. What made my job easier on Oracle is also available, and free, for PostgreSQL:
- PGIO can be more appropriate than pgbench when analyzing the raw platform performance
- pgSentinel, with its ASH sampling approach, is more focused at the root cause than statistics and ratios
- pg_hint_plan has its use when trying to understand the query planner decisions
All those tools with why/how/when explanations and live demo.
The following slides have been made available for this session:
- My_Scratchpad_From_The_Live_Demo.pdf
- PGCONF-FranckPachot.pdf