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Schedule - PGConf.EU 2015

The Elephants In The Room: Limitations of the PostgreSQL Core Technology

Date: 2015-10-30
Time: 15:00–15:20
Room: Ballroom A+B
Level: Intermediate

The core architecture of PostgreSQL is significantly different from that of competing products like Oracle, SQL Server, or MySQL, which also differ from each other. Some of PostgreSQL's distinctive features, such as our highly extensible systems for adding new data types and new foreign data wrappers, have been tremendously successful in propelling PostgreSQL forward. Others, such as our storage format and limited replication capabilities, have significantly impeded the adoption of PostgreSQL.

In this talk, I'll discuss some of the core architectural problems that I believe limit our success, based on my experiences working with EnterpriseDB customers, and will suggest some ways in which I believe the PostgreSQL architecture can evolve to meet those challenges.


Robert Haas