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Schedule - PGConf.EU 2014

NoSQL on Acid – Maximizing Results with JSONB and PostgreSQL

Date: 2014-10-24
Time: 15:00–15:20
Room: Medici I
Level: Intermediate

PostgreSQL has had a tremendously successful trajectory in recent years. The community has worked hard to bring parallelism to PostgreSQL, including Dynamic Background Workers and Dynamic Shared Memory. Postgres-XC, a collection of tightly-coupled database components which can be installed in more than one hardware or virtual machine, now provides a write-scalable, synchronous, symmetric and transparent PostgreSQL cluster solution.   In addition to these developments, PostgreSQL’s future roadmap will continue to evolve, particularly with new capabilities popularized by NoSQL. The addition of JSON and HStore capabilities in PsotgreSQL address document database and key-value store functionality. With JSON and HStore, Postgres can support applications that require a great deal of flexibility in the data model. Exploring new capabilities within Postgres to address today’s big data challenges ultimately means lower costs, less risk and less complexity while delivering enterprise-class workloads with ACID compliance.   In this keynote, Marc Linster, Senior Vice President of Products and Serivces at EnterpriseDB, will explore how PostgreSQL is adapting to this changing eco-system of NoSQL.


Marc Linster