Schedule - PGConf.EU 2012

Photo of Vincent Picavet

Vincent Picavet

Company: Oslandia
Twitter: @vpicavet

Vincent Picavet is an engineer in applied mathematics. After a few years working on satellite imagery, he dedicates himself to GIS, designing and implementing spatial data infrastructures with PostGIS and PostgresQL as main components. Vincent is a PostGIS contributor and has given a lot of training sessions at the university or for private companies. He took part in previous PGDays (FR&EU), FOSS4G and many other events related to GIS and PostGIS. He is currently the president of Oslandia, providing services in opensource GIS.


Platinum Sponsors

2ndQuadrant EnterpriseDB

Gold Sponsors

VMWare Cybertec Servoy

Silver Sponsors

Heroku Dalibo GoodData pgPower

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