Schedule - PGConf.EU 2011

Data Distribution with pg_amqp & RabbitMQ

Date: 2011-10-19
Time: 15:20–16:10
Room: Amsterdam 1
Level: Intermediate

Expanding on the "On Rabbits and Elephants" lightning talk from pgCon 2011, this talk will cover how to implement scalable data-distribution models using RabbitMQ as the message broker for PostgreSQL trigger-based events. Using real-world examples and a live proof-of-concept demo, this talk will demonstrate the power and flexibility of using AMQP and RabbitMQ for publishing PostgreSQL based events.

Expanding on the "Golconde" model of data distribution, learn how to turn your PostgreSQL events into a fire hose of data that may be used for everything from trending and analysis to providing a data source to populate data warehouses and for use with CEP systems like Esper.


Gavin M. Roy

Platinum Sponsor


Gold Sponsors

EMC² Servoy VMWare

Silver Sponsors

2ndQuadrant Cybertec Dalibo Redpill Linpro