Schedule - PGConf.EU 2011

New plugin architecture in phpPgAdmin and what to expect from it

Date: 2011-10-21
Time: 10:50–11:40
Room: Amsterdam 2
Level: Beginner

This summer, thanks to the Google Summer of Code (GSoC), Leonardo Augusto Sápiras, a student from Brazil, rewrote the whole plugin architecture in phpPgAdmin.

Discover with Leonardo and Jehan-Guillaume de Rorthais, one of the phpPgAdmin project developer, this plugin architecture, its status and how plugins will integrate with phpPgAdmin.

Then, this is a great opportunity to discover the existing plugins, and the future ones that were waiting for this project to end up !


Jehan-Guillaume (ioguix) de Rorthais
Leonardo Augusto Sapiras

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