Schedule - PGConf.EU 2011

Mission impossible? Can I replace my most important databases with PostgreSQL?

Date: 2011-10-21
Time: 11:50–12:40
Room: Amsterdam 2
Level: Intermediate

Databases are the most crtitical systems in corporate IT. This presentation is about using PostgreSQL as an Open-Source alternative to existing proprietary databases following the path of other Open-Source software that made its way into corporate IT over the years. This presentation reflects on 12+ years of experience in business usage of Open-Source and give some rules on how to make a migration and the subsequent Open-Source usage work. Also it will show some Return of Investment calculation using real life examples that were actually done over the years.


Michael Meskes

Platinum Sponsor


Gold Sponsors

EMC² Servoy VMWare

Silver Sponsors

2ndQuadrant Cybertec Dalibo Redpill Linpro