Schedule - PGConf.EU 2011Jean-Paul ArgudoCompany: Crunchy Data
Jean-Paul promotes Free Software since 2000 and takes actively part in the PostgreSQL community. He created the french-speaking PostgreSQL website ( This was the first step in creating a french-speaking community, in which he takes part too. He's a member of the administration council and one of the founders of the french PostgreSQLFr non profit organization. He was also treasurer and board member of PostgreSQL Europe between 2008 and 2013. He created Dalibo in 2005 and left it in 2021, after 16 years of great work with a great team. He daily helps users having the best PostgreSQL and data infrastructures for the best performances, matching users' needs, working as Country Manager at Crunchy Data France since January 2022, where he's focused 100% on technique. Sessions |