Schedule - PGConf.EU 2011

Relational Database Designer for pgAdmin

Date: 2011-10-21
Time: 09:30–10:20
Room: Amsterdam 2
Level: Beginner

Luis Ochoa took care of one of the PostgreSQL GSoC 2011 projects : a database designer for pgAdmin. And Guillaume Lelarge was his mentor.

This talk will show how pgAdmin database designer works, from a user perspective, and the benefits of using it instead of handmade scripts with SQL/DDL database models. Its future within pgAdmin will be discussed. And the two speakers would love to hear your suggestions, and feature requests.


Guillaume Lelarge
Luis Ochoa

Platinum Sponsor


Gold Sponsors

EMC² Servoy VMWare

Silver Sponsors

2ndQuadrant Cybertec Dalibo Redpill Linpro