PostgreSQL Conference Germany
Die Deutsche PostgreSQL Konferenz

Schedule - PGConf.DE 2025

The Well-Tempered Elephant

Date: 2025-05-08
Time: 12:50–13:35
Room: Ballsaal 1
Level: Intermediate

PostgreSQL is a multi-modal database management system, thanks to features such as extensions, pluggable languages, and the ability to define data types, aggregates and operators in user space.

In this talk we combine all those elements to frame a well known real world problem as a data analysis exercise, aiming to demonstrate the power and flexibility of PostgreSQL.

We load the 48 fugues from the Well-Tempered Clavier by J.-S. Bach, note by note, into a PostgreSQL table. Then we show how custom PostgreSQL objects can be used to assist the analysis of the finest counterpoint from this masterpiece of music.


Gianni Ciolli