Schedule - PGConf.DE 2024

Operational AI Workload Means Postgres Database Workload

Date: 2024-04-12
Time: 12:50–13:35
Room: Sponsor Track
Level: Intermediate

The massive interest in AI solutions recently sparked a huge wave of AI projects. We now enter a second phase where valid AI projects look for operational enterprise environments, as shown by the big hype for vector databases and feature stores. This phase is the hour of databases, the recognised bedrock for enterprise data management environments, where Postgres is a front runner. AI workloads are fully tied to data: they start with data, run on data and produce data. We will review popular AI application flows and their strong ties to data, and then show how Postgres' strengths perfectly fit mission critical enterprise AI solutions. Finally we will share our plans for further evolution of Postgres towards a fully functional AI database and eventually a one-stop-shop AI data platform. EDB is entirely committed to make Postgres the natural choice for modern AI applications.


The following slides have been made available for this session:


Gianni Ciolli & Torsten Steinbach