Schedule - PGConf.DE 2024

What enterprises need & want in Azure Database for PostgreSQL

Date: 2024-04-12
Time: 13:45–14:30
Room: Sponsor Track
Level: Intermediate

Choosing a managed service for your PostgreSQL database is an important decision. This session dives into managed service features in Azure Database for PostgreSQL that enterprises (and developers) have told us they need: High Availability (HA), Disaster Recovery (DR), Performance, Security, Authentication, Scalability, Backup & Recovery, and the list goes on. And of course you’ll learn about advanced monitoring and observability tools—plus how you can leverage AI capabilities in Azure Database for PostgreSQL via pgvector and azure_ai. In addition, you’ll learn how we integrate PostgreSQL on Azure with the latest releases of Postgres. Come learn why Azure Database for PostgreSQL – Flexible Server is becoming more and more popular in the enterprise.


Silvano Coriani