Schedule - PGConf.DE 2022

Your Hitchhiker's Guide to the Postgres Documentation

Date: 2022-05-13
Time: 10:25–11:10
Room: Utah
Level: Beginner
Feedback: Leave feedback

Do you love Postgres Documentation? Most people will have a "yes and no" answer to that question. Yes, when they find the right page, they have all the useful information they need, but no, finding the right page is difficult (or at least more difficult than it should be).

Even though I agree things could be made better on several levels, there are still, sparkling nuggets buried into it if you know where to dig. Please follow this guide to learn where you should find what you're looking for while choosing your character for this adventure: either a DBA, a developer, or a database user.


The following slides have been made available for this session:


Lætitia AVROT