Schedule - PGConf.DE 2013

Whats New In Postgres 9.3

Date: 2013-11-08
Time: 11:00–11:45
Room: Room 1
Level: Beginner

Postgres 9.3 has (hopefully!) recently been released, and we've got some interesting things to play with. Join us in this overview of new features coming in Postgres 9.3, and see what goodies it has in store for you.

There's a ton of stuff lined up for Postgres 9.3, and this is the place to get your first look. If all goes according to plan, we expect that we will talk about exciting things like:

  • performance improvement and memory changes
  • improved array support
  • event triggers
  • lateral query support
  • background workers
  • and much much more.


Robert Treat