Date: 2013-11-08
Time: 14:45–15:30
Room: Room 1
Level: Intermediate
This talk is for programmers that whish to integrate PostgreSQL in their applications or who maintain applications that use PostgreSQL as their primary database.
Whereas PostgreSQL claims to be "the most advanced open source database in the world", many client applications don't use advanced features, but rather a - maybe portable - subset of what PostgreSQL has to offer. Often we see applications that claim to be "database neutral" and that support many databases. These applications can then, of course, only use the least common denominator of the features of all databases. Once an application developer has decided to use PostgreSQL only, he is then ready to unveil the real power of PostgreSQL and to make use of advanced features and PostgreSQL specific functionality.
In his talk, Marc Balmer will show a number of tips, or rather programming and usage patterns, that allow you to create and maintain better PostgreSQL applications.