Schedule - Nordic PGDay 2025

Photo of Vik Fearing

Vik Fearing

Company: EDB
Twitter: @sql_xocolatl

Vik Fearing is a PostgreSQL expert at EDB, and lives in France.

He has been in the PostgreSQL community since 2008 and is the founder and co-organizer of pgDay Paris, co-organizer of PostgreSQL Conference Europe, and a volunteer and speaker at many other conferences around the world.

He is also a moderator for several of the PostgreSQL mailing lists as well as an IRC channel operator for #postgresql and #postgresql-fr.

He is an inaugural member of the PostgreSQL Code of Conduct Committee and part of the team behind the @PostgreSQL Twitter account. In his spare time, he likes to write minor patches to the PostgreSQL codebase.

A member of the SQL Committee since 2022, he is an official editor of the SQL Standard.
