Schedule - Nordic PGDay 2024

PostgreSQL & Kubernetes - Setting up and operating your own DBaaS

Date: 2024-03-12
Time: 11:55–12:10
Room: Sponsor track room

PostgreSQL and Kubernetes are both topics from the open source world that are becoming increasingly popular in companies and are replacing proprietary software solutions. Nevertheless, the topic of databases in containers is still met with great scepticism or even rejection. Join me on a journey into the world of Kubernetes in this presentation and build a DBaaS based on Kubernetes and PostgreSQL together with me. The DBaaS will have the following capabilities and features: -Provisioning of PostgreSQL clusters: creating, managing, scaling and deleting PostgreSQL clusters -High availability: automatic failover, pod anti-affinity, pod topology spread constraints ensure secure operation based on node and geo-redundancy and generate resilience. -Disaster recovery: Automatic backups and whale archiving create the data basis for necessary full and delta restores or the duplication of clusters. -Monitoring: Monitoring of all database clusters with automatic alerts if something goes wrong.


Matthias Grömmer