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Schedule - Nordic PGDay 2020

Point-in-time Recovery, target 2020

Date: 2020-03-24
Time: 16:15–17:05
Room: Ballroom

Your pg_dump takes forever? You want to save your data more frequently? Have you ever heard of Point-in-time recovery?

In his talk, we'll introduce what is called Point-in-time Recovery (aka "live backup").

We'll see how to achieve it step-by-step if you want to do manually: * archive_command / pg_recievewal; * pg_basebackup; * exclusive backup; * non-exclusive backup; * restore.

PostgreSQL 12 brought a significant change in this area with the removal of the recovery configuration file. We'll see more precisely the impact of this change.

We'll then mention some interesting backup (and restore) tools and give some key points to compare them (documentation, parallel execution, compression, incremental backups,...).


Stefan Fercot


Information about COVID-19 and the corona virus in relation to the conference.