Schedule - FOSDEM PGDay 2016

PostgreSQL Performance on EXT4, XFS, F2FS, BTRFS and ZFS

Date: 2016-01-29
Time: 10:20–11:10
Room: Hotel
Level: Intermediate

One of the most common question I'm asked by users and customer about configuring a Linux-based system for PostgreSQL is "What file fystem should I use to get the best performance?" Sadly, most of the recommendations is based on obsolete "common knowledge" passed from generation to generation. But in recent years the file systems improved a lot - we've seen both evolution of established file systems (EXT family, XFS, ...) and revolution in the form of BTRFS, ZFS or F2FS. And of course new kinds of hardware (SSDs) which certainly impacts the design of a file system.

I'm aware of benchmarks presented on Phoronix, but I consider them "informational" rather than a sound source of reliable data - I think we need much better benchmarks, so I've performed an extensive set of PostgreSQL benchmarks on a variety of file systems, with different configurations, etc.

This talk will present and discuss the results, and hopefully give some recommendations on which file system to use and how to configure it for PostgreSQL (and possibly for other applications).


Tomas Vondra
