Welcome to PostgreSQL Europe, the "umbrella group" for PostgreSQL User Groups in Europe and for users in regions that don't have a local user group. Our goal is to promote the use of PostgreSQL in Europe. We do this primarily by assisting local user groups to promote the product locally through conferences and other advocacy, as well as running European-wide conferences and other activities.
The conference is now over and we would like to thank all our speakers, attendees, sponsors and volunteers for making it a great day. We hope to see you all in 2026!
Nordic PGDay 2025 is just around the corner and it is as this point almost completely sold out. We have however managed to secure a few more seats from the venue so there is still time to register! In order to ensure fair allocation of the remaining tickets we have activated the waitlist, from which tickets are allocated.
If you want to attend, register as soon as you can on to the waitlist. Offers for tickets will be issued to those on the waitlist on a first-come first-serve basis, but they are time-limited to so keep a close eye on …
The schedule for this year's edition of the conference is now published, You can find it here and it is also linked in the menu above. As many of you suggested to extend the conference to two days we have a second day full of amazing talks this year.
A big thank you goes to the Program Committee, they've spend quite some of their free time for putting together this great schedule.
As we usually need to activate the waiting list some time before the conference, please make sure to register as soon as you can to save your …
The Call for Papers for the first PGDay Napoli, happening September 25th in Naples, Italy, is now open.
We invite PostgreSQL experts and enthusiasts to submit their talk proposals on a wide range of topics, from performance optimization to innovative applications.
This is an opportunity to share your expertise, contribute to the PostgreSQL community, and experience the vibrant city of Naples. Submit your proposal here https://2025.pgdayna.org/cfp/
pgDay Paris 2025 is less than a month away, and we have an amazing line-up of speakers on a variety of topics, both technical and community-minded.
But the best news is that there’s still a chance for you to be on stage - without committing to a full talk! Lightning talks are a great way to get speaking experience and tease audiences with a little bit of information on a great PostgreSQL subject of your choice. There's a slot dedicated to Lightning Talks at pgDay Paris 2025, and we hope you'll take part.
We know how nerve-wracking it can be …