Schedule - PGConf.EU 2012

Lightning talks

Date: 2012-10-25
Time: 16:00–16:50
Room: Bellevue
Level: Beginner

Lightning Talks - the high intensity part of conference which only uses 5 minutes of attention span at a time.

The rules for Lightning Talks are easy: you can talk about anything, but not longer than 5 minutes. The audience really prefers the talks to be related to PostgreSQL (the worlds most advanced OpenSource Database, the project, the community, the conference, the ecosystem)

To optimally prepare for your awesome Lightning Talk: give your presentation as HTML, OpenOffice, PDF, PPT or Prezi to the Lightning Talk Man Harald Armin Massa hours before the scheduled time. If you cannot do that, please make sure your laptop/tablet/mobilephone is able to communicate with the projector, especially that you have all necessary adapters and Jobs-plugs and you have the correct drivers, settings and licences.


Harald Armin Massa

Platinum Sponsors

2ndQuadrant EnterpriseDB

Gold Sponsors

VMWare Cybertec Servoy

Silver Sponsors

Heroku Dalibo GoodData pgPower

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