Schedule - PGConf.EU 2011

Streaming replication, hot standby and synchronous replication

Date: 2011-10-18
Time: 09:00–12:30
Room: Amsterdam 2
Level: Intermediate

PostgreSQL 9.0 added streaming binary replication and Hot Standby, and PostgreSQL 9.1 adds the ability to make this synchronous for even more security.

This session will start with a recap of the existing Warm Standby technology, and then move on to the changes in 9.0 for building both Warm and Hot standby solutions, and finally look at the improvements to this in 9.1 as well as the new synchronous functionality.


Magnus Hagander

Platinum Sponsor


Gold Sponsors

EMC² Servoy VMWare

Silver Sponsors

2ndQuadrant Cybertec Dalibo Redpill Linpro